Turški mediji poročajo o zgodbi s srečnim koncem. Potem ko so reševalci po 11 dneh iskanja presenečeni našli živega 33-letnega Mustafa Avcija in 26-letnega prijatelja Mehmeta Ali Sakirogluja, je zdaj Avci lahko sploh prvič objel svojo hčerko, ki se je rodila le dan pred rušilnim potresom.
Mustafa Avci, 33 & Mehmet Ali Sakiroglu, 26 were rescued after 261 hrs trapped under rubble of a health center in Antakya. Video captures moment Avci learns his family made it— he was reunited with his wife & 12-day-old daughter born day of the Earthquake. pic.twitter.com/1tfvjcp49R
— GoodNewsCorrespondent (@GoodNewsCorres1) February 17, 2023
Ko jo je Mustafa Avci, čigar posnetki so že ob rešitvi izpod ruševin porušenega zdravstvenega doma v Antakyi, preplavili svet, prvič objel, je bila ta stara 12 dni. Avcija in 26-letnega Ali Sakirogluja so reševalci izpod ruševin rešili po neverjetnih 261 urah.
Očitno je Avcija pri življenju obdržala misel na novorojenega otroka, hčerkico Almile. To je zdaj, sicer prikovan na bolniško posteljo, lahko prvič objel in nastale so ganljive fotografije.
📷: Mustafa Avci, 33, who was stuck under rubble for 261 hours, meets his daughter Almile for the first time and reunites with his wife Bilge, at a hospital in Mersin, Turkey February 17, 2023. Almile was born on the day of the earthquake. https://t.co/vBRlTOu3he pic.twitter.com/3cnEPs0XOH
— Voice of America (@VOANews) February 18, 2023
Mustafa Avci, 33, was rescued 261 hours after a building collapsed on top of him from the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria.
— Muslim (@Muslim) February 19, 2023
He survived long enough to be found and rescued, and to meet his baby daughter for the first time. 🤍 pic.twitter.com/H6aKBvAF99
Hatay'da depremden 261 saat sonra kurtarılan Mustafa Avcı, eşi ve deprem gecesi doğan bebeği Almila ile buluştu. pic.twitter.com/XpbQUxRBXT
— DarkWeb Haber (@Darkwebhaber) February 17, 2023