Vatikan naj pade prvi, saj so ravno oni idejni mojstri NWO.Toliko vojn, kot jih je vatikan izvedel za svoje finančne interese, jih ni še nobena nacija na svetu. Itak je vse kar pridigajo laž, njihov Jezus in Marija se… ...prikaži več vlečeta že od Grčije daleč oz že od prej, samo preimenovali so like...Skratka vse skupaj je nategvancija za vlečt denar od ljudi in vladati svetu.Pfuj in pfej, vi ljudje pa jim še plačujete za maše, kjer vam perejo možgane, da ste nevedoč sodobni sužnji kapitalizma.People wake up.
The Pope seeks immunity: The end of the Vatican could be near The Pope will have immunity from prosecution regarding the mishandling of child sex crimes by staying within the walls of the Vatican, according to an anonymous… ...prikaži več Vatican source. Reuters reported Friday, Feb. 15, that church sources have explained that the retiring Pope Benedict would be “defenseless” if he leaves the Vatican.This official news story comes on the heels of a statement issued by the International Tribunal into Crimes Against Church and State (ITCCS) that detailed the legal situation that surrounds the Pope and the Vatican. An unnamed European country and the ITCCS have issued a campaign to hold the Pope accountable for the Vatican’s cover-up of child sex crimes. There was an international arrest warrant secured for the Pope’s arrest:
Srečno Benedikt XVI., welcome back Razinger.
prokleti PEDOFILI na grmado z vsemi !
Slaboumneži so ti tvoji porivači otrok in zgleda tudi taki , ki jim držijo štango in jih zagovarjajo , kot si ti sam !
Crko da bog da , ti n vse vere sveta!
Če bi slučajno ujel zlato ribico in to tisto z samo eno željo , bi bila moja odločitev za 10 KTN at. bombo na Vatikan !
Zakaj se pa o tem ne poroča
Vatikan naj pade prvi, saj so ravno oni idejni mojstri NWO.Toliko vojn, kot jih je vatikan izvedel za svoje finančne interese, jih ni še nobena nacija na svetu. Itak je vse kar pridigajo laž, njihov Jezus in Marija se… ...prikaži več vlečeta že od Grčije daleč oz že od prej, samo preimenovali so like...Skratka vse skupaj je nategvancija za vlečt denar od ljudi in vladati svetu.Pfuj in pfej, vi ljudje pa jim še plačujete za maše, kjer vam perejo možgane, da ste nevedoč sodobni sužnji kapitalizma.People wake up.
The Pope seeks immunity: The end of the Vatican could be near The Pope will have immunity from prosecution regarding the mishandling of child sex crimes by staying within the walls of the Vatican, according to an anonymous… ...prikaži več Vatican source. Reuters reported Friday, Feb. 15, that church sources have explained that the retiring Pope Benedict would be “defenseless” if he leaves the Vatican.This official news story comes on the heels of a statement issued by the International Tribunal into Crimes Against Church and State (ITCCS) that detailed the legal situation that surrounds the Pope and the Vatican. An unnamed European country and the ITCCS have issued a campaign to hold the Pope accountable for the Vatican’s cover-up of child sex crimes. There was an international arrest warrant secured for the Pope’s arrest: