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Bizarno Instagram

Manekenka Anna Kanyuk je s posnetkom, na katerem v rokah drži dojenčka, vrata avtomobilskega prtljažnika pa zapre s svojo dolgo nogo, dobesedno zakurila splet. Če je bila pred tem videom precej neznana, jo sedaj zagotovo pozna vsaj pol sveta. 

In čeprav je Annin video naravnost osupljiv, pa je znana blogerka Laura Belbin (34) poustvarila omenjen video in z njim nasmejala svet. Laura je sicer mamica dveh fantkov, ki ustvarja pod imenom Knee deep in life, njena posebnost pa je, da za zgled vzame sanjske Instagram posnetke znanih manekenk in jih poustvari. Rezultat so bizarne in zabavne fotografije ter posnetki, s katerimi se lahko poistovetimo tudi navadni smrtniki, ki nimamo postav kot iz modnih pist.


GOOGLE GOALS..... ITS THAT EASY... When your kid tells you the floor is lava and can't walk because he'll burn his feet but you just over stretched your leg and the only thing on fire right now is your gooch. I'm unsure if its unfortunate genetics on my part, or because of my love for the biscuit tin but no fucking way was my leg reaching that boot without ripping my vagina into my arsehole. I think the term is known as blowing out of ones arse. You'll be pleased to know that no children were harmed in the making of this film and were bribed with 4 bags of mini haribo if they did as they were told. Not given them dinner yet and they're buzzing off their tits on sugar, so all round fucking nailing parenting. @anna_kanyuk #googlegoals #funnyvideos #nailedit #parenting #donthatetheplayerhatethegame

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GOOGLE GOALS.... FRIDAY NIGHTS.... When Friday nights used to be about tit wanks and sex on the sofa, but after 17 years together he has better chances with a lubed hoover and a cheeky wank in the bathroom before lights out. I do believe thats actually how every man wishes to spend their weekend! Sat next to their wife's sweaty crack that hasn't been washed since last night as he talks to his mates on his xbox and pray she doesn't fart loud enough for them to hear. Turns out putting your phone on a 10 second timer can feel like a fucking long time when you're hanging off the back of the sofa you're yet to finish paying off. @provokatorsha #googlegoals #funnyphotos #nailedit #fridaynight #sexy

A post shared by Knee Deep In Life (@knee_deep_in_life) on

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