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Tako bo avokadov namaz manj kaloričen

namaz avokado
Ljubimo kruhke z avokadovim namazom, sploh za zajtrk. So zdravi, a na žalost tudi precej kalorični.

Avokado spada med superživila, ki niso le slastna, ampak tudi zdrava. Ta sadež vsebuje veliko vitamina A, B, C, E in K in tudi baker, železo, fosfor, magnezij in kalij. Je tudi bogat vir nenasičenih maščobnih kislin, ki znižujejo verjetnost za nastanek srčno-žilnih bolezni in uravnavajo raven holesterola v krvi. Antioksidanti pa upočasnjujejo proces staranja in nas ščitijo pred prostimi radikali in okoljskimi vplivi.

Avokado pa vsebuje tudi veliko kalorij – 250 gramov vsebuje približno 400 kalorij. Če se avokadovemu namazu, ki se odlično poda k toplemu kruhku, kljub temu ne želite odpovedati, imamo rešitev. V avokadovo zmes vmešajte grah ali skuto.

Kruhek, ki ste ga premazali le z avokadovim namazom (80 gramov), vsebuje približno 164 kalorij, kruhek, z namazom, ki poleg avokada vsebuje tudi grah (30 gramov avokada, 40 gramov graha) pa le 86.


⠀ VOLUME EATING HACK - AVOCADO🥑 ⠀ Are you a smashed avo on toast lover 🥑🍞? ⠀ It is definitely pretty easy to go overboard with avocado especially because they are so delicious! ⠀ Even though avos are super healthy since they are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats, fibre, vitamin C and folate (just to name a few), a serving size is still only ~30-50g. ⠀ My trick is to mix avocado with either green peas, edamame or ricotta/cottage cheese (regular or reduced fat), it helps reduce the calorie load without reducing the volume! I like large portions 🤷🏻‍♀️ and often enjoy adding it to salads so this trick really helps keep my portion size in check! ⠀ Really, it’s a perfectly balanced mix of healthy fat, protein and fibre that will keep you feeling full and satisfied! Perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner or maybe even a snack! ⠀ This trick also helps me out because I follow a modified FODMAP diet and struggle to tolerate a large portion of avocado (I’m intolerant to sorbitol). This trick allows me to enjoy avocado in the portion size that works for me. Try edamame beans instead of peas if you have an issue with galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS). ⠀ Tag a friend below who might benefit 👇🏼⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ As always this hack is intended for people who are interested in losing weight. My focus is helping people wanting to improve their metabolic health. I’ve also added an element of the FODMAP diet into this post since I do follow a modified FODMAP diet and find this useful. If your not looking for that any of the above, keep scrolling on 👍🏼 . . . . . ⠀ ⠀ Nutrition values based toppings only and does not include the bread ⚠️ All rights of caption / image belong to @thesavvydietitian and therefore cannot be adapted or altered if reposted. #healthyfoodideas #eatforhealth #healthytips #weightlosssurgery #weightlossjourney #nutritioncoach #lowfodmap #allfoodsfit #fuelyourbody #healthychoice #nutritionfacts #fatlosstips #weightlossjourney #dietitian #portioncontrol #eatsmart #calories #nutrientdense #weightlossideas #fatlosshelp #healthysnacks #plantprotein #healthytips #justeatrealfood #eatbetter #caloriecounting #nutritiontips #healthychanges #weightlosstips #nutritionfacts

A post shared by Savina Rego, Dietitian (@thesavvydietitian) on


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