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Tako je Rob Kardashian izvedel, da ga bo Blac Chyna zapustila

blac chyna, rob kardashian Profimedias
En mesec po rojstvu hčerke Dream je Blac Chyna zapustila Roba Kardashiana.

Žalosten Rob Kardashian je na družbenih omrežjih sporočil, da ga je Blac Chyna, ki mu je pred enim mesecem rodila hčerko, zapustila. S sabo je vzela otroka in še nekaj stvari iz otroške sobe.

Njegova objava se je pojavila po tem, ko se je razvedelo, da so hekerji vdrli v Chynin Instagram profil in nekaj njenih zasebnih sporočil najboljši prijateljici objavili na spletu. V teh sporočilih je pisalo, da bo Robu dala še eno leto, nato pa ga bo zapustila. Po njenih besedah, naj bi bil mlajši brati Kim Kardashian, duševno bolan, a si noče poiskati pomoči. Roba je označila za lenega, debelega in nesamozavestnega. Trdila je tudi, da jo je verbalno trpinčil, ker je bil prepričan, da jo vara.

29-letni Kardashian ne more verjeti, kaj se mu je zgodilo. "Mislil sem, da bo to najlepše leto mojega življenja,“ je objavil na Instagramu in dodal, da je Chyno ljubil. "Nisem vedel, da je vse to načrtovala. Res sem bil prepričan, da me ljubi tako močno, kot jaz ljubim njo.“


Sorry to be so open but I'm not feeling so good after seeing @blacchyna messages about me and what her plans were. I have never been this heartbroken in my life. I don't mind being so open or if anyone thinks I'm being weak but I don't play when it comes to Family and Chyna was my Family and thought we were getting married. I treated her as a Queen. My baby girl is 1 month old and Chyna took her and left this beautiful home that I just bought for us. Right before Christmas. Someone I have given my all too. I Loved every inch of that woman and loved everything that came with her. I truly loved Angela. I gave everything I owned for her. Didn't know I was just part of her plan. I really believed she was in love with me the way that I was with her and I am so hurt and never felt this before. It's different when you have a kid with someone. And after reading Chyna's messages to her best friend she was going to drop me after a year. She didn't even make it to that. I am so broken. This is a woman I fought my entire family for. I was in love with this woman to the fullest and I was none of that to her. Go to my snap-----> @robphuckedme

A video posted by ROBERT KARDASHIAN (@robkardashian) on Dec 17, 2016 at 5:31pm PST


A video posted by ROBERT KARDASHIAN (@robkardashian) on Dec 17, 2016 at 5:42pm PST

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