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Video: Serena Williams prepeva napol gola

Serena Williams Profimedias
Brez nedrčka prepeva: "I Touch Myself."

Teniška šampionka Serena Williams se je postavila pred kamero, odvrgla nedrček in zapela pesem I Touch Myself skupine The Divinyls.

Vstopili smo namreč v mesec boja proti raku na dojkah, z videom pa je želela Serena opozoriti na pomembnost rednega pregledovanja prsi. Serena je razložila, da je morala za video "stopiti iz cone udobja“, a se je izziva kljub temu lotila, saj pred to boleznijo ni varna nobena ženska. "Zgodnje odkrivanja raka rešuje življenja. Upam, da bo ta video ženske na to opomnil,“ je razložila Williams in dodala, da je video del projekta I Touch Myself, s katerim so se poklonili pevki  Chrissy Amphlett, ki nam je poklonila to pesem in za katero je bil leta 2013 usoden rak na prsih.


This Breast Cancer Awareness Month I’ve recorded a version of The Divinyls global hit “I Touch Myself” to remind women to self-check regularly. _ Yes, this put me out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to do it because it’s an issue that affects all women of all colors, all around the world. Early detection is key - it saves so many lives. I just hope this helps to remind women of that. _ The music video is part of the I Touch Myself Project which was created in honor of celebrated diva, Chrissy Amphlett, who passed away from breast cancer, and who gave us her hit song to remind women to put their health first. The project is proudly supported by @BerleiAus for Breast Cancer Network Australia. _ Visit the link in my bio to find out more. #ITouchMyselfProject #BerleiAus #BCNA #DoItForYourself

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