Slovenski organizator igre bo zaradi operacije desnega kolena odsoten približno dva meseca, vročica pa je s tem ostala brez pravega organizatorja igre. Dolžnost so si ob Dragićevi odsotnosti razdelili James Johnson, Dwayne Wade, Justise Winslow in Josh Richardson.
Ugibanja o tem, kdo bo zasedel Dragićevo mesto v začetni peterki, so se vlekla več dni, zdaj pa je trener Erik Spoelstra končno razjasnil vse dvome. "Winslow je naš prvi organizator igre. To je velika odgovornost. Rad ima takšne izzive," je povedal Spoelstra.
Odločitev ni tako presenetljiva, saj je bil Winslow že nekaj tednov primarna zamenjava za poškodovanega Dragića, nekoliko bolj pa preseneča, da ga trener vidi kot dolgoročno rešitev problema. Winslow je namreč krilni košarkar, ki pa se je v teh kriznih časih uspešno prelevil v organizatorja igre.
Dvaindvajsetletni Američan, ki igra svojo četrto sezono v ligi NBA, je željan dokazovanja in bo ponujeno priložnost poskušal čim bolje unovčiti. Ob tem ne skriva, da ga zanima Dragićev položaj. "Ne vem, kakšna je moja prihodnost. Če se bom še naprej razvijal in izboljševal, potem se vidim kot prvega organizatorja igre v NBA ekipi. Imam potreben IQ, intelekt in vodstvene sposobnosti," je pred dvema tednoma zaupal novinarjem Miami Heralda.
Spoelstra je v preteklosti že eksperimentrial z Winslowom na položaju enke, v zadnjih tednih pa je uspel svoje formacije povezati v zares kohezivno enoto, kar je imelo za posledico niz petih zaporednih zmag moštva s Floride.
Vročica ima trenutno 50-odsototni izkupiček (16-16) in je na sedmem mestu vzhodne konference.

Winslow je doslej s pridom izkoristil povišano minutažo, kar se odraža tudi v številkah. Na zadnjih desetih tekmah je prispeval 14,2 točke, 5,3 skoka in 4,2 podaje ter Miamiju pomagal do sedmih zmag.
Košarkarski strokovnjaki so si sicer enotni, da bo Dragić ob vrnitvi spet zasedel položaj prvega organizatorja igre, vendar bi se lahko hitro znašel v vlogi rezervista, če bo Winslow upravičil zaupanje in osvojil srca navijačev.
Miami je dobil sedem od zadnjih desetih tekem (7-3).
Erik Spoelstra names Justise Winslow as Miami's new starting PG
— Bleacher Report NBA (@BR_NBA) December 26, 2018
Justise Winslow "is our starting point guard," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. "It's a big responsibility. He loves those kinds of challenges."
— Tim Reynolds (@ByTimReynolds) December 26, 2018
Erik Spoelstra announces that Justise Winslow is the Miami HEAT’s new starting PG
— NBA Central (@TheNBACentral) December 26, 2018
In December he’s been averaging 14-5-4 on 48% FG 45% 3PT
The Miami HEAT are 7-3 in those games
Before you laugh—
— Filip Dim (@FilipmyCup) December 26, 2018
Heat before Winslow was playing PG: 22nd in Net Rating, 9th in Defensive Rating, 11-16 record.
Heat w/ Winslow playing PG with Dragic out: 2nd in Net Rating, 3rd in Defensive Rating, 5-0 record.
Justise Winslow is better point guard than Goran Dragic at the end of 2018. Damn haha
— HEAT Squad 🔥🔥🔥 (@heat_squad305) December 24, 2018
It’s going to be discouraging when Dragic comes back at Winslow isn’t our starting PG anymore.
— Spencer (@SpencerHNDRXX) December 24, 2018
Love Spoelstra's decision to test Winslow as a PG with Dragic out. I've been raving about Winslow as a point-forward for awhile now. Him distributing for others takes pressure off him having to score as a swingman. Love this move.#Heat #JusticeWinslow
— Adolfo Lopez (@lominatti) December 26, 2018
Point justice actually is much better than dragic Winslow is such a great playmaker than dragic who is just a passer the difference is one sets up your teammate for easy bucket the other just swings the ball!
— HeatFanatic34 (@HFanatic34) December 26, 2018
I get that Dragic has just had knee surgery, but Winslow has looked really good as the primary PG in every condensed package I’ve watched of Miami
— Jack Francis (@TheJackFrancis) December 26, 2018
Dragic is out. Injury until the All-Star break. Justice has shown that can run the offense when dragic is on the bench or on the court. I think it is a good move to help develop him more plus Winslow playing full court on the Point guard. Only Fox Westbrook and Kyrie get pass him
— NOLA/H-Town (@Zscott80) December 26, 2018