Luka Dončić je bil prvi strelec Teličkov ob zmagi nad Beijing Ducks, pripravljalno tekmo je zaključil s 16 točkami, šestimi skoki in tremi blokadami.
Mojstrstvo nekdanjega igralca madridskega Reala je bilo zlahka opaziti ob nekaterih prodornih potezah, vtis so malce pokvarile le štiri izgubljene žoge.
Uporabniki Twitterja so Slovenčev debi za NBA moštvo zaznamovali z bleščečimi pridevniki, čeprav se je našlo tudi nekaj skeptikov, ki bodo počakali na uradna srečanja rednega dela sezone.
Na spodnjih povezavah si lahko pogledate nekatere odzive "tviterašev". Eden od njih je zapisal: "Prvioščil bi si še več tega, kar servira Dončić! Takoj se vidi, zakaj je (okoli njega, op. a.) ves direndaj." Drugi je dodal: "Izgleda še bolje od oglaševanega."
Vrhunce Dončićeve igre je delil tudi dolgoletni NBA igralec Beno Udrih, medtem ko se je priznana novinarka mreže ESPN Rachel Nichols lotila tistih, ki so dvomili v mladeničeve sposobnosti: "Škoda, da se ni dalo ugotoviti, kako dober je Dončić v košarki, razen seveda vseh posnetkov, ki prikazujejo, kako dober je v košarki."
Catching up on Dante Exum and Luka Doncic highlights...
— Andy Bailey (@AndrewDBailey) September 30, 2018
Luka Doncic. I'll have more of whatever he's serving up. You can see what all the fuss is about. But it was STILL, the Beijing Ducks. Really going to enjoy watching him against a really good defensive team in Philly these next couple of games. #Mavs
— Chuck Cooperstein (@coopmavs) September 30, 2018
#Doncic looking even better than advertised.
— Stefano Leone (@ste_lev) September 30, 2018
cant wait to watch luka doncic play this season its gonna be wild
— Miguel Austria (@migoforthree) September 30, 2018
@redrock_bball I’m confused....I thought Doncic was meant to be a bust? He’s a white European player....they’re all busts aren’t they?...arguing with these people on social media is great...’it’s just preseason’....can’t wait for him to tear it up #ROTY
— Heath Tudor (@HeathTudor1) September 30, 2018
Luka Doncic ladies and gentlemen!!!@luka7doncic @dallasmavs
— Beno Udrih (@BenoUdrih1) September 30, 2018
It’s a shame there was no way to know how good Doncic is at basketball except of course for all the tape of him being very good at basketball
— Rachel Nichols (@Rachel__Nichols) September 30, 2018