23 ogledov

Navijači pripravljajo spopad v Parizu

PSG navijači EPA
Francoski in nizozemski navijači naj bi se pripravljali na spopad v Parizu pred tekmo Lige prvakov med PSG in Ajaxom.

Francoske oblasti so danes sporočile, da navijači amsterdamskega Ajaxa, ki nimajo vstopnic za tekmo nogometne Lige prvakov proti Paris St. Germainu, ne bodo smeli potovati v Pariz. Francozi se bojijo navijaških spopadov, o katerih so dobili informacije, poroča agencija AFP.

Iz francoskega notranjega ministrstva so sporočili, da v Parizu pričakujejo večje število nizozemskih navijačev in se zaradi tega bojijo izgredov, kot pravijo na notranjem ministrstvu, pa naj bi navijači pred tekmo pripravljali celo spopad. Med navijači obeh klubov sicer vlada napeto vzdušje, v preteklosti pa so se med seboj že spopadli.

V Pariz pa bo lahko pripotovalo 850 navijačev Ajaxa, ki vstopnice imajo. Ob vsem Francozi niso razkrili, kako bodo navijače brez vstopnic ustavili.

Lewis Hamilton says he feels like a "kid at Christmas" as he builds up to Sunday's championship-deciding Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

The Mercedes driver was fastest in both sessions on Friday, narrowly ahead of team-mate and title rival Nico Rosberg.

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Eddie Jordan and Lee McKenzie

Abu Dhabi GP: Inside F1 looks back at practice

"I love driving this track but the car is the best I have ever driven here. It is spectacular to drive," he said.

"When you know you have a package as competitive as ours, it's like being a kid at Christmas."

Hamilton beat Rosberg by 0.133 seconds in the first session and 0.083secs in the second after the two men traded fastest laps throughout.

He is 17 points ahead of Rosberg and needs only to finish second to be sure of the title, even if the German wins.

"It is very close between us and I am just working to chip away at it," Hamilton said. "I just have to drive the way I usually drive and what will be will be.

"I will do the best I can and so far I am doing the right steps and I will keep working away at it.

"It's just been nice to get in the car. I've just been excited to get in the car. It's good to know I am fighting for something this weekend, that's a great feeling.

"I feel good. I feel good in the car but there is undoubtedly more time to find and I have to go and chip away at it tonight.

"There is still time to find I need to study hard tonight to find it and make sure I attack on Saturday."

Familiar situation

Lewis Hamilton previously went to the final round of an F1 season with a chance of the championship in 2007, 2008 and 2010

Hamilton won in Abu Dhabi in 2011, but he was also

leading in both 2009 and 2012 when he suffered mechanical failures

Of those, he was the points leader in 2007 and 2008, with the latter being his only title win

He is guaranteed this season's championship if he finishes first or second

Hamilton appeared to have a bigger advantage on the so-called 'race-simulation runs' later in the session, when teams run with high fuel on a number of consecutive laps to find out how the car is behaving in race trim.

On these, Hamilton appeared to have an advantage of as much as half a second a lap.

"It has been a good day," Hamilton said. "Race pace has been very good today. I'm very happy with that.

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Hamilton and Rosberg's championship battle

Hamilton v Rosberg - Key Moments

"The long-run pace was one of the best I've had for a while. Today was a different characteristic for the tyre for me - others were having rear degradation and I was having front."

Rosberg said: "It has been a good day. I haven't got all my laps together and that makes me very optimistic because I'm sure I'm going to be able to get them together for qualifying.

"It's feeling good out there. Confidence is good. It's looking good.

"Pole is important but even being second there's so many chances.

"I am trying to approach it as if it's a normal weekend. Of course it's not because of the opportunity this weekend but otherwise the approach today was the same, work with the car, get ready for qualifying."

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