George Eastham, ki je bil član zmagovite angleške reprezentance na svetovnem prvenstvu leta 1966, je umrl v starosti 88 let, je na svoji spletni strani objavil njegov nekdanji klub Stoke City. Eastham je med letoma 1963 in 1966 za svojo državo odigral 19 tekem in ji pomagal do edinega naslova svetovnih prvakov v njeni zgodovini.
V Blackpoolu rojeni krilni igralec je zbral 124 oziroma 207 ligaških nastopov za Newcastle oziroma Arsenal, preden se je leta 1966 preselil v Stoke, kjer je pustil najgloblji vtis.
"Morda se ga najbolj spominjamo kot človeka, katerega gol je leta 1972 zagotovil ligaški pokal pri zmagi nad Chelseajem z 2:1 na Wembleyju," je sporočil Stoke. Tekom svoje bogate nogometne kariere je sicer v najmočnejši angleški ligi zbral kar 525 nastopov in prispeval 74 zadetkov.
A nogometni svet si ga bo še bolj kot po uspehih na igrišču zapomnil po sodnem postopku iz leta 1963 proti tako imenovanim "suženjskim pogodbam", ki je izboljšal svobodo prehajanja igralcev med klubi in ustrezno reformiral britanski prestopni trg.
Po tekmovalni upokojitvi je Eastham v poznih sedemdesetih za kratek čas prevzel vodenje Stoka. Kasneje je emigriral v Južno Afriko, kjer je bil nogometni trener tamkajšnjih temnopoltih otrok in goreči nasprotnik apartheida.
S smrtjo Easthama so med še živečimi nogometaši angleške zlate nogometne reprezentance le še Geoffrey Hurst, Terry Paine in Iam Callaghan.
George Eastham OBE: 1936-2024
— Stoke City FC (@stokecity) December 20, 2024
We are immensely saddened by the passing of club legend George Eastham OBE at the age of 88.
The most revered goal in our history, scored on our greatest day.
— Stoke City FC (@stokecity) December 21, 2024
Rest in peace, George Eastham OBE.
We're saddened to hear of the passing of George Eastham OBE at the age of 88.
— England (@England) December 21, 2024
George won 19 caps in his #ThreeLions career and was a member of our 1966 @FIFAWorldCup-winning squad.
Our condolences go to George's family and friends.
Newcastle United is saddened to learn of the passing of former player, George Eastham.
— Newcastle United (@NUFC) December 21, 2024
The thoughts of everyone at the club is with George’s family and friends at this very difficult time.
We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of trailblazer, George Eastham.
— Arsenal (@Arsenal) December 21, 2024
Our captain from 1963-1966 during his six-year spell at Arsenal, George was also part of the 1966 World Cup-winning England squad.
May he rest in peace ❤️
George Eastham’s fight against the “retain and transfer” system forever changed football, granting players the freedom to shape their careers.
— FIFPRO (@FIFPRO) December 21, 2024
📽️ Learn how his legacy continues to help players worldwide.
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