Bronastega slovenskega deskarja so na OI v Pyeongchangu oropali priložnosti, da bi se boril za zlato olimpijsko odličje.
Fotofiniš polfinalega obračuna Žana Koširja in Lee Sang-hoja dokazuje, da bi se moral v finale paralelnega veleslaloma uvrstiti slovenski deskar.
Uradni čas je sicer pokazal, da je bil Južnokorejec za stotinko hitrejši od Koširja, ki je v malem finalu prišel do brona.
Fotografija fotofiniša se kot požar širi po družbenih omrežjih, kjer uporabniki v en glas ostro obsojajo naravnost bizaren razplet polfinalnega obračuna. Sang-hoja je v finalu premagal Švicar Nevin Galmarini.
Tudi slovenski deskar, ki je vodil večji del polfinalne vožnje, je bil ob prečkanju cilje črte prepričan, da je zmagal. "Po porazu v polfinalu sem se počutil kot budala, to se mi je v karieri že velikokrat zgodilo. Enostavno sem se prehitro veselil zmage, to je botrovalo napaki, čeprav še vedno mislim, da sem bil res prej na cilju kot Korejec. Tak občutek sem imel, tudi posnetek fotofiniša kaže na to, a žal takega mnenja niso bili časomerilci, mimogrede, na cilju ni bilo videti nobenega časa in FIS tudi po pritožbi ni spremenila svoje odločitve," je povedal 33-letnik.
Košir je burno reagiral že v ciljni areni, ko so razglasili uradne izide polfinala. "Dajte, no! To ni res," je dejal, medtem ko se je Sang-ho več kot očitno izogibal kakršnemukoli stiku z njim.
"Še vedno mislim, da sem bil res prej na cilju kot Korejec."
Žan Košir
Woah, this photo finish tells me that #Slovenia Zan Kosir (far lane) got screwed!! They gave the win to the #korean athlete Lee Sangho in the near lane. #Pyeongyang2018 #Olympics2018 #Snowboarding #snowboarder #olympics
— Shawn Pooley (@ShawnPooley) February 24, 2018
How can you say @zkosir loses this race???? @NBCOlympics @Olympics
— SQVAD CAPTAIN (@chillmonde) February 24, 2018
@zkosir won this. What in the world?
— Alen Oneil (@oneil_alen) February 24, 2018
The olympics are rigged. Zan Kosir from Slovenia obviously beat Lee Sang-Ho from S. Korea. I’ve got proof!
— matthew.hampton (@CascadeCarto) February 24, 2018
How is it that Lee Sang-Ho beat Zan Kosir? Looks like Kosir crossed the finish line before Lee Sang-Ho did. Am I missing something? #Olympics
— 🐻⬇ (@KeithBalanis) February 24, 2018
@zkosir knows it. Everyone at home knows it. Pretty sure the announcers even knew it. “That’s just not true”
— David McCollum (@RealMcCollum) February 24, 2018
Yes, I noticed that, too. But more importantly, I noticed that Lee Sang-ho (#14) did not cross the finish line before Zan Kosir. Look at this photo and see for yourself. Sang-ho is in front in the photo and Kosir is in back. Look at Kosir’s board over the line.
— Jennifer Hines (@Jennife86923296) February 24, 2018
Can you please use all your stats nerds to figure out why the judges claimed Lee Sangho beat Zan Kosir in the men's semi-final? Anyone with eyes can see that Kosir won.
— SouthernSportsNation (@SoSportsNation) February 24, 2018
This dude @zkosir just got absolutely robbed. Photo finish doesn’t lie. Rigging snowboard slalom races for the home country, what’s next people?! #FreeZan! #Olympics #PyeongChang2018 @NBCOlympics @Olympics
— Ryan Deitrich (@RD0614) February 24, 2018
I can understand why Zan Kosir is upset. He clearly won that race. #Pyeonchang2018
— Ben Talmadge 🌮🍺 (@lbjonz) February 24, 2018
Winter Olympics; Men's Parallel Giant Slalom... Zan Kosir wins but they give it to Lee Sang-Ho from South Korea... Lee is in the foreground of this pic and you can see Zan in the background with his board and his hand over the finish line. I smell corruption
— Sean Winterer (@seankw2000) February 24, 2018
@zkosir got robbed. The media better pick up on this.
— Ilia Shatashvili (@TheRealKunya) February 24, 2018
Le kaj je na tem svetu še pošteno, verjetno samo še beseda pa še to je treba preverit.
Južne poševnooke opice niso nič boljše od njihove severne sosede. Ista gamat.