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Objavili zadnje trenutke pred nesrečo 36 letne ameriške zvezdnice

Jessi Combs
Umrla je, medtem ko je želela postaviti hitrostni rekord.

Televizijska voditeljica in "najhitrejša ženska na štirih kolesih svetu", Američanka Jessi Combs je konec avgusta umrla v nesreči med postavljanjem svetovnega hitrostnega rekorda na kopnem.

Spletni portal TMZ je sedaj objavil posnetek njene zadnje vožnjev puščavi Alvord v ameriški zvezni državi Oregon, s katero je želela popraviti rekord, ki ga je sama postavila leta 2016.

Jessi Combs Avto Pri 36 letih umrla televizijska zvezdnica in najhitrejša ženska na svetu

Pred nesrečo je na Instagramu zapisala, da tisti, ki želijo, lahko dosežejho velike stvari. "Ljudje pravijo, da sem nora, jaz pa se jim zahvalim," je napisala.

Njen partner Terry Madden je dejal, da so po nesreči storili vse, da bi jo rešili. Na socialnih omrežjih je objavil skupne fotografije in dejal, da je "umrla med tem, ko je počela to, kar je imela najraje".


Remember that time Day 6 —- so first I have to explain #rememberthattime we used to always talk about our memories and #rockingchairstories that we would sit around at nursing home and say ”remember that time” and everyone would listen because we would have the best stories... Then it became a joke that right in the middle of something rad one of us would say remember that time noting that we were in middle of something epic and memorable. . . So this one “the NOT so Grand Canyon” we were on a road trip rolling thru Albuquerque one night and I asked her how far she wanted to go she said she wanted to watch the sun rise over the Grand Canyon as she did many times as a kid. We pulled into the Grand Canyon 3am ish around the gate and snuck into the camping. We were in chase 5 - threw up the rooftop tent and got ready for bed. We had laid there 3-4 minutes when she asked how far you think we are from it? I opened my maps and saw a little blue line about 3/4 mile away - I said it’s just over there... she says you sure? And Mr. confident me says yah of course see river - river equals canyon. She jumps up bails out of tent and says let’s go ? Me : now ? Her: duh lol and runs off into dark - I’m trying to throw my pants on take off after her into the trees. We walk by cell phone light 3/4 mile thru the trees to my blue line - all the while her asking if I’m sure? And me in my best military nav voice saying “babe I got this” . About this time we walk right up to the rim in the dark of the NOT SO GRAND CANYON about 2’ deep 2’ wide ditch with a small stream running thru it 😂. I’m embarrassed bad - zoom map out and realize giant blue river line opposite direction from camp and this is tiny stream... she laughed and laughed and we laid on ground and watched the stars and fell asleep on top of my jacket beside the not so Grand Canyon. We woke up just before sunrise and ran back to truck, grabbed a blanket she was freezing and on to the real Grand Canyon, watched the sunrise and hauled ass..... @thejessicombs was so magic at turning a mistake into a possibility ! . . #notsograndcanyon #grandcanyon #rememberthattime #doitforjessi #terryandjessi #myjessi #missyoubabe

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