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Za vse, ki imate radi prašiče, plažo in morje

Plavajoči prašič Profimedias
Temu pa lahko rečemo lepo prašičje življenje ...

Bahami so uraden dom za plavajoče prašiče. Obiskovalci otokov se vsakič razveselijo edinstvenega doživetja – plavanja s prijaznimi prašiči na nenaseljenem otočku Big Major Cay.

Otoček predstavlja topel dom za ta ljubeča bitja, peščeno plažo pa so preimenovali v Pig Beach (prašičja plaža). Prašičja družina je zelo popularna tako med turisti, kot pri domačinih in medijih.


#Grateful to have had this NewYork Times Assignment and quite an adventure with my daughter, Amelia! @mia_paul with @repostapp. ・・・ So great full I got to swim with pigs as part of this story for the New York Times (link in bio) "On a tiny, uninhabited island in the #Bahamas, about a dozen pigs live and swim freely in the clear blue water, watched over by tourists hoping to play with pigs in the sand. The pigs decide what their relationship with tourists will be, but expect to be fed by their visitors, and have been known to sit for food or whatever’s in a bottle — even beer. There are different stories on how the pigs got to #BigMajorCay. Some say they swam to the island after a shipwreck; others say sailors left them there, planning to come back and eat them. The photographer @robin_schwartz, who has photographed animals for 30 years, traveled to her dream destination to photograph the pigs for @nytmag. She said that pig-watching came second to people-watching. “People want this semiwild, unpredictable pig experience and can become unbelievably and uproariously happy,” she said, “despite the fact that they probably ate bacon and eggs for breakfast.” #" Shot #OnAssignment for @nytmag @nytimestravel @aperturefnd @wpunj @wp_visualart #swimmingPigs #Exuma #StanielCay #pig

A photo posted by Robin Schwartz (@robin_schwartz) on Mar 31, 2016 at 8:35pm PDT

Poležavanje na plaži 

Prašiči na otoku imajo lepo življenje, lahko se prosto gibajo, poležavajo na peščenih plažah, se sončijo in plavajo v morju. Prašiči so do obiskovalcev zelo prijazni. Ko se približajo turisti, hitro pohitijo izpod krošenj dreves in preverijo, ali imajo kaj za pod zob.

Njihovo življenje je tako zanimivo, da so navdihnili celo pisateljico Jennifer R. Nolan, ki je napisala otroško knjigo Skrivnosten prašičji otok. Žal ni znano, kako so prašiči prišli na otok, ne gre pa za avtohtono vrsto.


The responsibilities of this Mommy pig to her 3 piglets made her different from the rest of the island's pigs. #Repost @nytimes with @repostapp Shot #OnAssignment for the @nytmag @nytimestravel ......... On a tiny, uninhabited island in the #Bahamas, about a dozen pigs live and swim freely in the clear blue water, watched over by tourists hoping to play with pigs in the sand. The pigs decide what their relationship with tourists will be, but expect to be fed by their visitors, and have been known to sit for food or whatever’s in a bottle — even beer. There are different stories on how the pigs got to #BigMajorCay. Some say they swam to the island after a shipwreck; others say sailors left them there, planning to come back and eat them. The photographer @robin_schwartz, who has photographed animals for 30 years, traveled to her dream destination to photograph the pigs for @nytmag. She said that pig-watching came second to people-watching. “People want this semiwild, unpredictable pig experience and can become unbelievably and uproariously happy,” she said, “despite the fact that they probably ate bacon and eggs for breakfast.” # #swimmingPigs #BigMajorCay #Bahamas #StanielCay #Exuma #pig

A photo posted by Robin Schwartz (@robin_schwartz) on Apr 1, 2016 at 6:28pm PDT

Ena od zgodbic pravi, da so jih naselili mornarji, da bi imeli ob vrnitvi na otok kaj za pod zob. Priljubljena zgodbica je tudi ta, da so se prašiči rešili s potapljajoče ladje in našli zavetje na tem nenaseljenem otoku. Na otočku lahko preživi okoli 20 prašičev, na voljo imajo tri izvire vodo, hrano pa jim nosijo tudi turisti. 

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