Nekdanji selektor škotske nogometne reprezentance Craig Brown je umrl v 83. letu starosti, so potrdili pri Aberdeenu, kjer je Brown od leta 2013 deloval kot neizvršni direktor. Brown je zadnji človek, ki je Škotsko popeljal na svetovno prvenstvo, pred 25 leti je vodil ekipo v Franciji.
"Vsi v Aberdeen FC smo strtega srca zaradi izgube našega ljubljenega nekdanjega glavnega trenerja, direktorja in ambasadorja kluba Craiga Browna. Bil je naš prijatelj, Craiga bomo zelo pogrešali. Naša ljubezen in sožalje sta z njegovo družino v tem strašno žalostnem času," so zapisali pri klubu.
![Craig Brown | Avtor: Profimedia](/media/img/0f/32/9984151904f725f41adf.jpeg)
Nekdaj veliki nogometni talent, čigar igralsko kariero je pri 27 letih prekinila poškodba kolena, je prav tako popeljal Škotsko na evropsko prvenstvo leta 1996. Po osmih letih na čelu reprezentance je odstopil leta 2001, potem ko se Škotski ni uspelo uvrstiti na Euro 2000 in svetovno prvenstvo 2002. Bil je selektor z najdaljšim stažem na Škotskem, saj jo je vodil na 71 tekmah, na katerih je zbral 32 zmag, 18 remijev in 21 porazov.
Bil je tudi del škotskega trenerskega štaba na svetovnem prvenstvu leta 1986 pod poveljstvom sira Alexa Fergusona ter svetovnem prvenstvu 1990 in Euru 1992 pod poveljstvom Andyja Roxburgha, katerega je nato leta 1993 zamenjal na selektorskem stolčku, ko se Škotski ni uspelo uvrstiti na svetovno prvenstvo 1994.
![Craig Brown | Avtor: Profimedia](/media/img/fd/19/25ca60bb3a6a2140a2fa.jpeg)
V Glasgowu rojeni nekdanji igralec Rangersov, Dundeeja in Falkirka je pred svojo mednarodno trenersko kariero vodil klub Clyde, bil je tudi selektor mlade škotske ekipe do 16 let, ki jo je popeljal do finala svetovnega prvenstva, in reprezentance do 21 let, ki jo je popeljal do evropskega polfinala. Brown je bil nato selektor Škotske od leta 1993 do 2001. Kasneje je vodil Preston, Motherwell in Aberdeen, preden je postal direktor pri Aberdeenu. Trenersko kariero je zaključil s skoraj 800 odvodenimi uradnimi tekmami.
Predsednik uprave Aberdeena Dave Cormack je dejal: "Bil je eden tistih redkih posameznikov, ki ni bil le učinkovit pri tem, kar je počel, ampak so ga imeli vsi, ki so ga spoznali, splošno radi. Gospod, ki je ljubil svojo družino, prijatelje in nogomet." Na uradnem računu škotske reprezentance na Twitterju pa so Browna razglasili za "pravo škotsko legendo" in dodali, da so njihove misli s Craigovimi najdražjimi v tem žalostnem času.
Everyone at Aberdeen FC is heartbroken by the loss of our beloved former manager, director and club ambassador, Craig Brown.
— Aberdeen FC (@AberdeenFC) June 26, 2023
A dear friend to us all, Craig will be sorely missed and our love and condolences are with his family at this terribly sad time.
“When you think back of all the people who have been kind to you, all the good times you’ve had and the privileges you’ve enjoyed through football... I just can’t thank people enough for the kindness and the enjoyment I’ve had in the game.”
— Scotland National Team (@ScotlandNT) June 26, 2023
Craig Brown, 1940 – 2023
Today Scottish football mourns the loss of Craig Brown, the former men’s national team manager and one of the most beloved personalities in the game.
— Scottish FA (@ScottishFA) June 26, 2023
Everyone at Clyde is incredibly saddened to hear about the passing of our former manager Craig Brown
— Clyde FC (@ClydeFC) June 26, 2023
Craig took charge of 409 games from 1977 to 1986 and won Second Division championship twice with the Bully Wee
Our thoughts are with Craig’s family and friends at this sad time
🤍 As a club, we're deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our former manager Craig Brown.
— Preston North End FC (@pnefc) June 26, 2023
Our thoughts go out to his family and friends at this difficult time.#pnefc
Rangers are saddened to hear of the death of former player and Scotland manager, Craig Brown, at the age of 82.
— Rangers Football Club (@RangersFC) June 26, 2023
Best known for his time in charge of the @ScotlandNT from 1993 to 2001, Brown’s playing career began at Ibrox.
The thoughts of everyone at Rangers are with his…
Everyone at Falkirk FC is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Falkirk player and Scottish football legend Craig Brown.
— Falkirk FC (@FalkirkFC) June 26, 2023
All our thoughts are with Craig's family and friends at this difficult time.
Everyone at #CelticFC is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Scotland Manager, Craig Brown. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends at this time.
— Celtic Football Club (@CelticFC) June 26, 2023
RIP Craig 💚
Everyone at Hibernian FC would like to send our condolences to Craig Brown’s family and friends following the sad news of his passing.
— Hibernian Football Club (@HibernianFC) June 26, 2023
RIP Craig 💚
Everyone at Heart of Midlothian Football Club is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of former Scotland manager Craig Brown.
— Heart of Midlothian FC (@JamTarts) June 26, 2023
Our thoughts are with Craig's family, friends and colleagues at this sad time ❤️
We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of former manager Craig Brown.
— Motherwell FC (@MotherwellFC) June 26, 2023
The thoughts and condolences of everyone at Motherwell FC are with Craig’s family and close friends at this very sad time.
💙 "I'm the luckiest guy in Scottish football, I mean it sincerely. I will always be indebted to everyone."
— Sky Sports Scotland (@ScotlandSky) June 26, 2023
A look back at the career of the legendary Craig Brown, in his own words, after he sadly died at the age of 82.
"I hope I've played the game properly and honestly."
— BBC Sport Scotland (@BBCSportScot) June 26, 2023
A tribute to former Scotland manager Craig Brown, who has died at the age of 82.
𝘾𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙜 𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣 • 𝙎𝙘𝙤𝙩𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙇𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙
— Everything Scotland 🏴 (@AboutScotlandd) June 26, 2023
World Cup 98' saw Scotland take on Norway. Craig Brown spearheaded a half-time team talk during this game.
Scotland’s dressing room at half-time in 1998. 👇