Samantha Cerio, 22-letna ameriška telovadka, ki si je med rutinsko vajo na parterju izpahnila obe koleni in potrgala številne vezi, je uspešno prestala operacijo.
Dveinpolurni operativni poseg je bil po besedah njenega trenerja Jeffa Grabe "zelo uspešen."
"Zavedamo se, da bo pot okrevanja dolga in težka, vendar verjamemo, da bo Samantha povsem okrevala," je dodal gimnastični trener.
Ceriova si je izpahnila obe koleni na mitingu v Baron Rogue v zvezni državi Louisiana. Dan kasneje je na družbenih omrežjih oznanila svojo upokojitev.
Študentka vesoljskega inženiringa se bo zdaj osredotočila na nove izzive, saj jo že čaka delovno mesto v ameriški multinacionalki Boeing.
I had the opportunity to visit @AuburnGym’s @sam_cerio this weekend. What a wonderful, inspiring young lady. I have no doubt she will overcome this injury and go on to do amazing things.
— F. King Alexander (@lsuprez) April 8, 2019
“Sam’s surgery lasted two and a half hours and was an extreme success.
— Coach Jeff Graba (@CoachJeffGraba) April 9, 2019
We know the road for full healing is going to be a long and difficult one, but we are confident that she’ll be able to make a complete recovery.”
— Coach Jeff Graba (@CoachJeffGraba) April 8, 2019
Hey friends! Instead of focusing on how this rockstar ended her season, take a look at one the best bars sets in her career coming this year!
— Kendra Willard (@KendraWillardAU) April 10, 2019
Sam’s name is going to be all over our gymnastics records because she’s a BA gymnast 💪