V 86. letu starosti je umrl legendarni podajalec ameriškega nogometa Bart Starr, ki je bil temelj dinastije Green Bay Packers v šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, so sporočili iz omenjene ekipe. Starr je bil tudi najkoristnejši igralec prvih dveh finalov lige NFL.
It is with deep sadness that we announce Green Bay Packers legend Bart Starr has passed away at age 85: https://t.co/Qgv5o6FP3D pic.twitter.com/mIqu5hGyMt
— Green Bay Packers (@packers) May 26, 2019
Starr, ki je septembra 2014 preživel močan infarkt, je z Green Bayem osvojil pet naslovov prvaka, in sicer v letih 1961, 1962, 1965, 1966 in 1967.
— Green Bay Packers (@packers) May 26, 2019
RIP, Bart Starr 🙏 pic.twitter.com/itNkk8SZJU
"Medtem ko bo vedno znan po svojih uspehih, ki jih je v 16 letih kot podajalec doživel z Green Bayem, pa je njegova resnična zapuščina to, da je bil vedno spoštljiv, skromen in radodaren," je njegova družina zapisala v sporočilu za javnost.
A message from the family of Bart Starr pic.twitter.com/TmduH0EiZb
— Green Bay Packers (@packers) May 26, 2019
Pet naslovov v sedmih letih, katerih glavna tvorca sta bila Starr in trener Vince Lombardi, je še vedno najboljši učinek ekipe v tako dolgem obdobju v zgodovini NFL.
You will he missed & Forever Remembered.
— Russell Wilson (@DangeRussWilson) May 26, 2019
I know how much you meant to the State of Wisconsin and @NFL all over the world!
Heaven just got another great QB! 🙏🏾 #BartStarr pic.twitter.com/Hhn1TVynRk
Bart Starr is a legend in so many ways! I am so sad to hear this news today. I remember first meeting him my rookie year at the Lombardi golf classic. He always had time for everyone and made everyone around him better. Praying for Cherry and their family on this sad day. https://t.co/kSDVQTEXJ4
— Mason Crosby (@crosbykicks2) May 26, 2019
Bart Starr was a true gentleman and one of the kindest people I knew. I had elbow surgery following our ‘95 Super Bowl in Birmingham and Bart made a visit to the hospital. To this day, not sure how he even knew I was there. #ripbart
— Troy Aikman (@TroyAikman) May 26, 2019