V lokalno bolnišnico so prepeljali še najmanj šest ljudi, med njimi policista, poroča ameriški medij CNN.
🚨 #BREAKING: It is reported that the Louisville gunman was 25-year-old Connor Sturgeon, who reportedly texted a friend before the shooting saying he was feeling suicidal and “would shoot up the bank” pic.twitter.com/ZIIlKUzFs2
— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) April 10, 2023
Strelec je mrtev, je potrdila policija in dodala, da okoliščine njegove smrti trenutno niso znane. Po navedbah policije trenutno ni aktivne nevarnosti, a so prebivalce vseeno prosili, naj se kraja zločina izogibajo.
"I have a very close friend that didn't make it today," Kentucky Gov. Beshear says after 5 people were killed in a shooting at a Louisville bank.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) April 10, 2023
"And I have another close friend who didn't either, and one who's at the hospital that I hope is going to make it through." pic.twitter.com/3hgEdyIt0p
Policiji pri preiskavi pomaga tudi FBI, so še sporočili policisti.
Guverner zvezne države Kentucky Andy Beshear se odpravlja na kraj dogodka, še poroča CNN.