Ernie Crouch si je med navijači Arsenala prislužil legendarni status. Na domače in tudi gostujoče tekme je redno hodil od leta 1934. Tokrat se je zanj usodno končala pot na dvoboj med Arsenalom in Sunderlandom, ki so ga topničarji sicer dobili s 3:1.
Devetdesetletnika naj bi močan sunek vetra potisnil na cesto, kjer ga je nato zbil avtobus. Lani dobitnik nagrade za navijača leta (Eurocar’s Fan of the Season award) je umrl na prizorišču nesreče.
RIP Ernie Crouch. Attending Arsenal matches home and away since the 1930's. A true Arsenal legend!
— A$AP (@LordRyanJohn) December 6, 2015
RIP Ernie Crouch, a gust of wind blew him onto the road and he collided with a bus on his way to the game yesterday
— Will (@WillTheGooner) December 6, 2015
Tragic news about lifelong fan Ernie Crouch, who died on the way to his beloved Arsenal today. Hope the club do something in honour.
— Freddie. (@AFC_Freddie) December 5, 2015
Počivaj v miru Ernie.