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Nepričakovano rodila na prednjem sedežu avta

Mamica Raelin Scurry iz Pensilvanije je svojega sinčka Eana rodila na zelo nenavaden način.

V 29 tednu nosečnosti je svoje dete rodila kar na prednjem sedežu avtomobila in to v celem amnijskem ovoju.


Our birth story! ❤ The human body is truly an amazing thing. 8.5.2017 at about 10am I started having contractions. I was only 29 weeks and 4 days so I just figured they were Braxton hicks and decided to wait it out. After about 45 minutes of consistent contractions that were increasing in intensity I decided I should probably go in. I there in some clothes. Grabbed my daughter some clothes, her my fiance And I left for the hospital. I dropped my daughter to her God mommy Nicole And headed to the hospital. Well the contractions continued to get closer together and more intense and before I knew it I knew it was time to push. I called 911 because I was so scared. They couldn't understand me between the screams with contractions. So I handed the phone to my fiance. I pulled my pants off and reached down, sure enough his head was right there. I pushed one time and my miracle baby was here. When I looked down I realized he was still completely wrapped in the amniotic sac. The dispatcher told us to pull over. But I knew we would make it to the hospital before they would make it to us. So I told Ean to keep driving. I was so scared. My Fiance was so calm driving and on the phone with 911. At first the baby was still and all I could do was pray he would be okay. And then I rubbed his face with my thumb and he pulled his little hands and feet up to his face as if he understood my prayers and wanted to reassure us he was okay. About 7 minutes passed that I held this miracle baby in my hands until we made it to the hospital. A familiar face came running out and grabbed my baby. He was born an caul. This happens 1 in every 80,000 births. Usually during c-section. He was 3lb 1oz. He doing wonderful all things considered all He went through I know he's going to be an awesome little man! ❤ he is truly a miracle​ baby. We are so blessed to be his parents. #encaul #encaulbirth #carbirth #miriclebaby

A post shared by Raelin Scurry (@raeee_nacoal23) on

Mlada mamica ni pričakovala, da bo rodila že v 29 tednu. Počutila se je le nekoliko slabo, kot bi imela močne menstrualne krče. Po 45 minutah vse hujših bolečin, sta se s partnerjem z avtomobilom odpravila do porodnišnice. Mali Ean je bil tako neučakan, da je morala močno pritiskati že v avtu. Tako se je rodil na sprednjem sedežu avtomobila.


I love my little family! ❤

A post shared by Raelin Scurry (@raeee_nacoal23) on

Ko je videla malčka, pa je ostala zelo presenečena, saj je bil v nedotaknjenem amnijskem ovoju. Sprva se novorojenček ni gibal, zato se je prestrašila. Ko ga je pobožala, se je premaknil. Tako ga je držala do prihoda v porodnišnico. Tam so ji pojasnili, da je takšen porod v nedotaknjenem amnijskem ovoju zelo redek. Zgodi se le enkrat na 80.000 rojstev.


Look who's in a big boy bed!!!! 😍 mommy is so proud of you EJ! One step closer to home!

A post shared by Raelin Scurry (@raeee_nacoal23) on

Ean je kljub nenavadnemu rojstvu zdrav fant, ki je vsak dan večji in močnejši.

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